Here is a Know Your Rights manual. And HERE is the link to versions in different languages.
A lot of good debate notes look like the example below. Notice the concise and well organized the writing. Finally, here is a summary of the four point refutation model that I took from a website. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions.
4-Point Refutation is the organization that should be used when ideally refuting an argument. While 4-Point Refutation is not required and is very difficult to use consistantly, it is extremely help to both practice and employ. Any experienced debater should try to apply these ideas to all of their rounds. The four points are as follows. Point 1: Identify Point 2: Counter Claim Point 3: Support Point 4: Impact 1. Identifying -Short Tag lines (2-5 words): Allow the judge to quickly understand the argument and also flow it quickly and easily. The easier your arguments are to flow, the more likely the judge is to not forget them. -Locating the argument (where/against what?): By telling the judge which argument you are addressing and also telling them what you are arguing against, you make sure that the judge knows what you are talking about. -Linked examples: If there are any examples related to the arguments, it is helpful to point them out to the judge. Firstly, because it might help them find the argument on their flow, but secondly, because it ensures that the judge knows that the argument was refuted along with the argument it was related to. 2. Counter Claim -This is where you essentially tell the judge why the argument is wrong -We will look aspect of refutation in detail later in the year 3. Support -Logic: The ultimate way to support a point. You must always be able to tell the judge why your point is true. -Quotes: Using quotes shows that your position is also supported by others who are experts on the topic at hand. Quotations are helpful, but by no means required. -Examples: Being able to provide examples of the arguments allow your audience to clearly see how argument looks, and also reminds them that the argument has an Impact 4. Impact -Why does this point matter? -What effect does this have on the real world? -How does this argument affect your value? |
May 2013