Please remember that I do not accept late assignments. A good amount of you have turned in assignments late and you do not get credit for late assignments. If you miss this speech you MAY NOT be able to give your speech at another time. If you miss a speech then you will need to complete extra credit to make up the points or take a loss. This is what the syllabus says:
Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period and will not be accepted thereafter. If you are scheduled to give a speech on a given class day and you miss class, YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE IT UP. You may make-up only ONE speech. I offer only one class hour at the end of the semester for make-up speeches. I will only be able to accommodate a maximum of ten total make-up speeches on make up day, so plan carefully. Speeches presented on make up day are penalized 30%.
It is important to know that a lot of this assignment is about being here and seeing your classmates and having an experience that I will not be able to replicate.
Here are some last minutes tips about what not to do in a speech:
Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period and will not be accepted thereafter. If you are scheduled to give a speech on a given class day and you miss class, YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE IT UP. You may make-up only ONE speech. I offer only one class hour at the end of the semester for make-up speeches. I will only be able to accommodate a maximum of ten total make-up speeches on make up day, so plan carefully. Speeches presented on make up day are penalized 30%.
It is important to know that a lot of this assignment is about being here and seeing your classmates and having an experience that I will not be able to replicate.
Here are some last minutes tips about what not to do in a speech: