What is required:
On informative speech day you will need to present an informative speech no less than 5 minutes and no more than 7 minutes. This speech is worth 10% of your grade and an additional 5% for a mandatory outline. That is a total of 15% and you will not be allowed to give your speech if you do not have an outline to turn on the day of the speech. Your outline is a serious component of this speech and should not be overlooked or taken for granted. You have to option of picking any topic, but there are several parameters and after you turn in a topic proposal I may ask you to slightly or completely change your topic.
Remember the OUTLINE is an important part of your speech. It is worth 5% of your grade, but this is not suppose to take up a lot of time or take that much effort. The outline should not take that much time because you should already have your resources. Your outline should take less than 45 minutes. An outline is a skeleton of a speech. There should NOT be paragraphs, it should be a mere handful of sentences.
Remember what it is that I am grading you on, I am not grading your typing and formatting abilities. I am not really grading your ability to even form grammatically correct sentences. What I am grading you on is your ability to:
1. organize your information
2. adhere to the structure,
3. include reliable sources,
4. form a thesis statement
5. Being concise
Reference sections
I am looking for at least 3 key pieces of information in your reference sections in your outline and at least 2 in your speeches:
In outline:
1. Author Name
2. Year of publication
3. Title
For example:
Smith, J. (2012). The life of Jane Smith.
In speeches:
1. Author name
2. Year of publication
For example:
According to Smith 2012...
HERE is an example outline.
On informative speech day you will need to present an informative speech no less than 5 minutes and no more than 7 minutes. This speech is worth 10% of your grade and an additional 5% for a mandatory outline. That is a total of 15% and you will not be allowed to give your speech if you do not have an outline to turn on the day of the speech. Your outline is a serious component of this speech and should not be overlooked or taken for granted. You have to option of picking any topic, but there are several parameters and after you turn in a topic proposal I may ask you to slightly or completely change your topic.
Remember the OUTLINE is an important part of your speech. It is worth 5% of your grade, but this is not suppose to take up a lot of time or take that much effort. The outline should not take that much time because you should already have your resources. Your outline should take less than 45 minutes. An outline is a skeleton of a speech. There should NOT be paragraphs, it should be a mere handful of sentences.
Remember what it is that I am grading you on, I am not grading your typing and formatting abilities. I am not really grading your ability to even form grammatically correct sentences. What I am grading you on is your ability to:
1. organize your information
2. adhere to the structure,
3. include reliable sources,
4. form a thesis statement
5. Being concise
Reference sections
I am looking for at least 3 key pieces of information in your reference sections in your outline and at least 2 in your speeches:
In outline:
1. Author Name
2. Year of publication
3. Title
For example:
Smith, J. (2012). The life of Jane Smith.
In speeches:
1. Author name
2. Year of publication
For example:
According to Smith 2012...
HERE is an example outline.